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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

On the Cusp of 5


Dear Noey,

Even as you turn 5 tomorrow I remember the very day you were born, way back on 2nd October 2008. You were blue and purple and had a layer of fine, oh so fine baby hair all over you. Your eyes were open and alert (little did we know at that time that you hate closing them to sleep, even now), and you gurgled a little baby gurgle when Mummy cradled you to her, to hold you in her arms for the first time.
When it was my turn to hold you I could hardly believe that God had given us a little living, breathing, wrinkly baby – you. I brought you outside to weigh you and to take your measurements (which you didn’t particularly enjoy). But all was well when you were wrapped up in the towels of the delivery ward, safe and cosy, your open and alert eyes scanning the room and wondering what this new world around you was, with its bright lights and strange sounds.
You will certainly not remember a single bit of what happened that day – your true birth day – but Mummy and I always will. You see, it’s our job to remember these things because these memories are precious to us, just as precious as how we remember your face when we are far away from you, or why we remember the meaning of your name.
These are good memories for us.
As time passes and moves on, and Mummy and I become old and forgetful, we may not be able to remember every event and every single birthday you have had or will have. But we will try our best to remember the important things. And at that time, when you are grown, you can remember things for us too.
But for now, just know, and remember in your heart, that Mummy and I love you and we will always love you. We love you because God gave you to us, to care for you, to teach you and to bring you up. And of course, always remember that God loves you too. He loved you so much, that he sent Jesus – his only begotten Son – to come to earth for you.   
Happy birthday, my dear son, I love you so. This year, I hope you grow in height, in character and in fullness of wisdom and knowledge. And remember that, when you were five, your Mummy and Daddy thought the world of you.



  1. Anonymous2/10/13 07:10

    This heartfelt note is so lovely, especially in the way it is ended.

    Happy birthday Noah!

  2. That was so touching! You've definitely recorded lots of good memories here on the blog. Noah is lucky to have parents like you two!

    Happy Birthday Noah!

    1. Thanks Jasmine. I think we all try our best :)

  3. Blessed Birthday Noey! Have an amazing one :)

    1. Thanks A! He's super thrilled to be 5! :)

  4. Was very touched by this letter. :)

    Blessed (belated) birthday to Noey!



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