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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Houses and Hair

It's been a bit quiet on this blog yet again, this time because I've been busy scouring the pages of the classifieds and making calls to seemingly unhelpful agents and getting minor heart attacks over the asking prices of some property owners.

Yes, we're looking for a new home. Much as we love our current place, we are fast outgrowing our space, no thanks to a certain little guy who just has so much STUFF. Our poor little apartment is fast reaching its limit.

I've always found house hunting to be a painful process and this is not panning out any differently. The houses that which are nice are ridiculously priced. The ones that are not so ridiculously priced require a lot of work (with money that we don't have). The ones that are nice and fairly reasonably priced are really far flung. Or deep within estates. Or along the busy main road. And even then, tasteful interiors (and exteriors) are few and far between.

Nevertheless, we plod on, praying that something will come our way. As I told DD, we only need ONE house. I just do pray that the Lord will lead us to at the right moment.


In other news, Noey has had a haircut!

This was his most traumatic one yet -- with tears and clinging. He's now more aware of the process and refused to be distracted. Instead he kept swiping at the poor hairdresser, clambering all over me (he even managed to yank the hairdressing cape off me), and eventually bawling. So much for paying for TV screens and toys. Instead, the best distraction turned out to be the taxis, buses, cars and bikes which we could see passing by outside the shop window. This boy of mine has a vehicle fetish! Let's hope it doesn't translate into a really expensive hobby when he's older.

After that whole ordeal I treated both of us to some Ben & Jerry's. Strawberry for him and New York Super Fudge Chunk for me. Noey's first taste of ice cream and he was... ok with it. He liked it enough to come back for a few mouthfuls, then stopped. Hmmm. Bizzare, if you ask me. Or maybe it was because I didn't give him the chocolate. He did however thoroughly enjoy the run around Toys r Us that followed.

Ah well, good thing this haircut will last him another 2 months before we have to go through that again!

Noey with his newly cut (and styled) hair.

Today's more natural look. I think it would grow out into his usual mushroom head nicely. (Incidentally, Noey's really into sitting on steps these days. He would find a little step/ledge/raised surface and happily plonk himself down on it and swing his arms around and kick his legs. No idea why!)


  1. Oh! Will you be moving far away? The news just said prices are falling. Hope you find one perfect for your family soon - then, amidst the headache of reno and moving - I'm sure you'll also enjoy the excitement of doing up the new place :)

  2. he looks soooooooooo manly (hehehehe) in that first pic!

  3. Haircutting is such a pain if you ask me! Yes, they won't be fooled with the cartoons and toys anymore!

    Good luck with the house hunt. Something might just come along when you least expect it!

  4. He's looking like a proper little boy now!

    Sigh tell me about running out of space! We probably really need to look for a new place soon too - I'm typing to you from my walk-in closet while Sean is asleep in our room! It's my 'study' nowadays... geez!

  5. Anonymous16/1/10 22:28

    His natural look actually a lot nicer than the style one! So cute!

    Yes,agree haircutting is such a pain so now my mum cut my boy's hair very regularly like every 2 weeks, snip a bit here and there when he is having his bath. So much easy now.


  6. silver-crv16/1/10 23:34

    hang in there...the right house is just waiting for u guys! :D

  7. such a nice haircut! I'm sure you guys will find the perfect house. All the best!

  8. so cute! Kate also loves sitting on all sorts of ledges and steps, including itty bitty ones like the fridge base.

    nice haircut too - well layered fringe, as opposed to the straight-across look. :)

  9. He looks so boyish now!! :)

    We went for the buzz cut because cutting hair is such an ordeal for them!!

  10. good luck on the house-hunting..

    and noey looks so handsome with the new haircut!

  11. he is such a cutie! can imagine he wasnt so cute while bawling at the hairdresser's :p All the best with the house-hunting babe! Am sure you'll find a great place for Noey and his possible akan datang bro/mei mei hehehehe

  12. corsage :: oh, are prices falling? it doesn't feel like it. huh huh. with luck, we shouldn't be moving too far away. maybe even nearer you! :)

    pei fen :: heh, his hair is so soft it actually can't be styled -- all falls flat! he does look so much older that way though.

    yuling :: you guys have done a great job cutting Raeann's hair on your own!

    debra :: haha, yes, the little beings have taken over all the useable space! i emphathise!

    natchin :: haha, that's an idea. but i don't trust myself to cut his hair...

    silver-crv :: thanks, waiting for God to lead us to it!

    ker :: thanks. wish i had all the space that you do!

    lyn :: it's exactly that -- sitting on all ledges, even the small ones. v cute how they get a kick out of it. i paid money for his haircut so it'd better not be the straight-across type that I could do on my own!

    amanda :: i wanted to do that too but with CNY coming, DD didn't want his son looking "ugly". haha! noey does look a bit better with some hair around his face.

    lingz :: thanks, for both comments!

    daph :: yes, not cute at all! i would really appreciate the space, with or without any akan datangs! hee.



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