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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

On the eve of Children's Day, a friend tagged me on HeyBaby SG's Facebook Page, asking me to take some time to celebrate the children in my life by noting down up to five unique characteristics of each child.

It seemed simple enough. After all, don't I know my kids better than the back of my hand?

But the truth was that as I sat, phone in hand, ready to jot down some adjectives about my kids, the first ones that popped into my head were all negative. "Clingy", "Fierce", "Overly-Sensitive", "Bossy". Hmmm. I wasn't exactly celebrating them, was I?

I guess as parents, particularly as the parent who is home facing them 24/7, it is easy to focus on the negative. After all, negative behaviour is what I have to deal with all the time. But when I made a concerted effort to look beyond that, I remember that my children are multifaceted different characters. And that while there plenty of ways which I would want them to change, they also have qualities which are worthy of praise. I know that my darling boy is intelligent, artistic and loving, and my precious baby girl is independent, compassionate and oh-so-funny. I just needed to take the time to remember that.

Word Cloud(Image taken from the HeyBaby SG Facebook Page)

My dear children, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I thank God for letting me be your Mummy.

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