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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sydney 2010: Whale Watching

Going whale watching was one of the highlights of our trip (which, yes, was quite a while back by now!).

After the very wet weather the day before, we were really happy to see the sun the next morning and wasted no time getting ourselves down to the jetty to see what trip we could take that day. Our original plan was to take a boat out to see some dolphins but when we realised that it was still possible to see whales (we were at the tail-end of the season), we quickly decided that would be way more exciting. So with merely 2 mins to spare, we hurriedly plonked down our money and ran for the boat.

Now one thing I chose to overlook at that point when making a snap decision to go on the 3 hour long trip is that I'm really bad with boats. I've got no sea legs at all and I can get seasick on a cruise ship, no kidding. So going on a 3 hour journey on a catamaran in potentially choppy waters? Not such a good idea really. That all kind of dawned on me only after I got on board but well, I was determined to enjoy my trip. Fortunately they helpfully stocked pregnancy-safe travel sickness pills onboard which I happily ingested.

That's not to say I was absolutely fine thereafter. We hit a rocky patch towards the end of our cruise -- the sort that nothing could help me through -- and I very unglamourously chucked up in a bin that Aunty Jud was quick enough to get to me. But I think for the most part, the pills really did help me enjoy the trip way more than I would ordinarily have. And all the dolphins and whales we saw were well worth it.

We're going on a boat! Noey can barely believe his luck. First boat ride for him!

Squinty family onboard. It was a bright morning! And we all didn't bring our hats or sunnies!

Explaining something-or-other to Noey. You know, imparting the usual Mummy wisdom. Or not. He looks like he's listening attentively though, doesn't he?

Unbelievably, in that bright glaring sun Noey starts to nod off, way before his scheduled nap time. I hope this means he takes after DD and has inherited none of my seasick genes! The rocking motion on a boat, and even air turbulence on a plane, sends DD to sleep.

Yup, he's nodded off. Again! This was truly Noey's great sleeping holiday.

Ah Kong wonders how Noey can sleep in this light.

Dolphins! Apparently they like to ride in the wake created by the boat so they came really close.


Dolphin breaching the water...

...and splash! It looked like so much fun, I wished we could join in.

It took us quite a while before we finally saw some whales. These were humpbacks making their migration south past Port Stephens. We were told that while the males tended to travel quite far out, the mothers and calves swim closer to the shore. Altogether I think we saw 4 whales. No breaching unfortunately, but it was still exciting to see them blowing water and to see parts of these magnificent creatures when they emerged from the water.

"Noey saw whales blowing smoke out of their blowholes!" This made quite an impression. He's been saying that for more than a month now.

Here he comes...

... and there's the tail!

I'm enjoying this boat ride, Papa!
Sadly this is the point at which Mummy here started feeling rather ill.

Despite the seasickness, I think have no regrets going on the cruise. Just wish I wasn't so useless, but well, that's how I am sadly! Seeing as how Noey is still talking about the boat ride and what he saw, I think it was one of the more memorable parts of his trip, which makes me all the more glad that we went. Quite the once-in-a-lifetime experience for me I think, unless someone can guarantee me sightings of whales breaching the water. That would be quite a sight to behold I believe!


  1. awwww you poor thing!!! it's great that Noey didn't get sea sick though!

    Glad you saw the dolphins and whales! Imagine gg on the trip getting seasick and returning without seeing any!! (apparently that happens quite often too!!)

  2. OMGOSH!! i wanna go for this cruise! we didn't get to see that upclose from the one we went for at SF.

    what an experience for noey!

  3. kopikia :: yes, i would have been soooo annoyed if we didn't see anything! you get a free repeat trip if you didn't see any whales but that would be punishment for me, not compensation!

    candice :: go check it out if you're in aust! the dolphins in particular live in the area so you are guaranteed to see some.



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