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Monday, December 13, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time is certainly whizzing by: In a blink of an eye, I'm nearly into my 3rd trimester!

I sometimes feel a little bad for Baby #2 because I honestly have not devoted as much time to thinking or caring for her as much as I did when I was expecting Noey. I can barely remember to take my vits and DHA pills regularly, let alone spend time dreaming and communicating with the bub in utero. I am sometimes even shocked when I realise how huge my belly is getting. Sorry Baby Girl, Mummy will make up for it when you're out ok?

At least a growing belly is a sign that everything is progressing well within. We went for our 25th week check-up 2 weeks back and Baby #2's estimated weighed was 820g, well within the normal range of 800-900g. She is on track to be about 3-3.2kg at birth, comparable to Noey who was 3.33kg.

Why, hello there!

Dr Wong commented that Baby #2 has a long face, so she might look like me too, just like her big brother Noey. Whether Baby #2 looks like me or not, I'm hoping she will look like Noey. I always think it's kinda cute when siblings look alike. This probably stems from the fact that my sister and I don't look alike at all! (My brother on the other hand, bears more of a resemblance to me, which unfortunately, because of the age gap, added to him being mistaken for my son when he was younger.)

And despite the huge belly, my weight gain seems to be about the same as the last time -- I've gained about 7kg so far and my total weight gain with Noey was 14kg so let's hope I don't exceed that this time!

My belly and me @ 27 weeks.
This is a dress I was trying at Maternity Exchange which I didn't get because, as you can see, it's way too long for a shortie like me, and its lace hem-line makes it unalterable. Pity!

I've really been slow about getting things in order for Baby #2, and with the aches and pains coming on earlier this time round, I think know I really need to get organised soon!

The one thing I have spent some time thinking about over the past few weeks is THE NAME. We've narrowed it down to a handful, and (surprise, surprise) we haven't nailed it yet. I think we're just chronically non-committal. Noey's name was decided literally when I was in labour in the midst of pushing him out and while that worked out well, I do want to try to settle it earlier this time round! I want to give Mei-Mei a name for Noey to get accustomed to before she makes her big entrance. Unfortunately, while we have a number of names that we don't mind, none has quite grown on me as the THE name yet. Guess it's more of the BabyName Voyager for me?

And we've not even discussed the Chinese name yet...


  1. you look really nice in this dress! i actually think the length works for you!

  2. I think Baby girl is going to look just like Noey! I kinda saw Noey in the ultrasound photo, esp the eyes. So huge.

  3. PF :: you think? i felt a little dowdy with the length but the dress was really pretty...

    michelle :: well, those are just the eye sockets! i hope she will look like Noey -- was telling DD that it'd be too sad if Noey is prettier than her!

  4. That dress is so pretty and you look very good in it.

    Personally i think English name is so much easier to decide compares to Chinese name. It took me forever to get my boy's name. I looked through the chinese dictionary page by page to narrow down a list of words. Then still have to think about the combination and meaning. What a task! Trust God will give you the inspiration for the name for 'mei mei'.

  5. natchin :: aww, thanks. now i feel tempted to get it. hee. i also went through the whole process of looking through a chinese character book to choose noey's name. it was tough but worth it in the end.



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